Call for Late Breaking Work
We invite you to submit your late breaking work (LBW) to India HCI 2018. This venue will provide you a unique opportunity for sharing ideas, eliciting feedback on early-stage work, and seeking out collaborators for future development.
LBW will be presented as posters and 2-minute videos. The area of the submission could be an early-stage HCI research, an experience gained from practice, or an interesting product or service developed by a company or a start-up. LBW submissions should report innovative, original work that has not been published previously. While the posters and videos of accepted submissions will be publicly presented at the conference and on the web, LBW work will not be deemed as “published”. Authors will retain the copyrights of their work, and the option to continue working on the topic and to publish the completed work at a future venue
Accepted submissions must be presented at the conference. At least one and preferably all authors for an accepted LBW submission must register for the conference by November 25, 2018 for the submission to be included in the conference programme.
Proceedings: NoneSubmission: 100-word Abstract, A1 size poster and 2-minute video
Anonymous: No
Submission Link: Easychair
Late Breaking Work
An LBW submission is a poster and a 2-minute video of recent findings or other types of innovative or thought-provoking work relevant to the India HCI 2018 community. It aims to attract participation from a broad range of disciplines covering a spectrum of topics and methodologies from academic researchers, industry practitioners and start-ups.
An LBW submission is different from other contribution types. An LBW submission represents work that has not reached a level of completion that would warrant a full refereed selection process. Summaries of completed work or reduced versions of short or full paper submissions are inappropriate as an LBW submission. That said, submissions should make a meaningful contribution to the body of HCI knowledge or practice of interaction design, and should be of interest to the conference participants. A significant benefit of LBW derives from the discussion between the author and participants by face-to-face presentation of the work.
An LBW submissions must consist of three things:
- A 100-word abstract describing the contribution
- An A1 size poster submitted as a PDF file in the review system. The poster should be complete, well-designed and thoroughly copy-edited. It should not be anonymous.
- A 2-minute video in MP4 format uploaded in a publicly and anonymously accessible location such as Google Drive or Dropbox.
These submissions should communicate:
- A concise description of the work
- Implications of the work for the India HCI community
- Plans for further investigation and/or incorporation into practice
LBW submissions will be peer-reviewed by a panel of experts. The reviewers will take into consideration the early-stage nature of the work and its potential to generate a discussion at the conference. All submissions will be considered confidential during the review process. Due to the short review cycle, LBW submissions will be reviewed as if there would be no changes between the submission and the final document to be included in the conference website.
Accepted videos will be presented on the India HCI Youtube channel. Accepted posters will be presented during the conference. Authors will be expected to attend the conference and will be assigned a time to present their poster to conference participants. Authors will be required to set up beforehand and stand with their posters during the assigned time.
- 28 May 2018: Call out
15 October 20181st November 2018 (Extended date) : Online Submissions Due- 18 November 2018: Notification
25 November 20181st December (Extended date) : Final version due
Sanjay Tripathi
Anirudha Joshi
IDC, IIT Bombay
For any queries please write to us at