Workshops - Accepted Proposals
Accepted IndiaHCI 2018 workshops appear below. IndiaHCI 2018 Workshop space is 'Invite only'. To be a part of a workshop you will require to communicate with the respective facilitators on the email ids mentioned with each workshop.
The cost of each workshop is Rs 3500
Accepted Proposals
Workshop 1: Unboxing Black Box Technologies
Facilitator email:
The growth of current technologies such as Blockchain and Artificial Intelligence at exponential rate represent a powerful influence in the global economy and society. As a result, many of us are surrounded by Black Box technologies every day whether it be our smart phones, cloud based voice services (Amazon Echo and Google voice), or media service providers such as Netflix. These applications run algorithms which sometimes the programmers themselves are unable to explain in layman’s terms, how the algorithms work or make certain decisions. Building on our previous work, this workshop will explore and demonstrate creative participatory design methods as an approach to visualising and mapping applications of emerging technologies. This approach will invite creative engagement and critical dialogue around its social implications among multidisciplinary teams.
Workshop 2: Sales Prediction by UX Usability
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User Experience has been the core to the user interface design procedure lately. Businesses have now been using the tactics of employing User Experience (UX) designers that create crafted experiences for their users and cater to the needs of their customers by specific calculative analysis. The business analysts and the UX developers work together to figure out the user experience elements of the digital platform they own. UX being a profusely deep field opens up oceanful of opportunities to work and improvise upon. Integration of business analysis and UX design serves as one such door to improvisation in sales. In modern times, when user and content is the king, it is quintessential to be abreast with the optimization ideas.
Workshop 3: Privacy and the Datafication of Social, Economic and Political Life
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Privacy plays an important role in technology, policy and everyday life. Yet it is hard to define privacy or agree upon its boundaries. Each domain of life comes with its own expectations and conceptualization of what privacy is and how it should be regulated, maintained or limited. Keeping the conceptual malleability of privacy in mind, this workshop brings together, scholars, industry professionals and legal and civil society practitioners for a multi-disciplinary dialogue on privacy in South Asia.
We envisage to organize this dialogue through different modes of engagement such as individuals talk, panel discussion, lightning rounds and informal sessions. This dialogue on privacy aims to generate insights about the unique challenges, opportunities and collaborations in the work ahead on privacy. It looks outwards to global and comparative national contexts in the west where the privacy discourse is instructive from a legal and technological standpoint. As well the workshop considers the specific ways in which privacy will stand at the crossroads among society, law and technology. In terms of output, the workshop holds to expand the conceptual vocabulary of privacy and enrich ‘discipline specific‘ intervention.
Workshop 4: India HCI 2018 workshop on forming SIGCHI student and professional chapters in India
Facilitator email:
The HCI activities in India have been on the rise over the past several years. The HCI community has been organizing several annual events including the India HCI series of conferences (e.g. India HCI 2018, the UX India series of events (UX India 2018 conference In addition, it hosted the APCHI 2013 and INTERACT 2017 conference ( Considering this level of activity, though, the number of ACM SIGCHI chapters in India have been not many and the existing chapters have not been very active. Recently, the community has initiated an effort of forming several ACM SIGCHI local chapters in India. We aim to put together professional chapters in cities with a large number of HCI and related professionals. The cities include Bangalore, Mumbai, Pune, Hyderabad, Delhi, and Allahabad. In addition, we are also trying to put together student chapters where there is a sizable student pool. The cities for student chapters include Pune, Delhi, Kanpur, Indore, Bangalore, and Hyderabad. We hope that these local chapters not only encourage collaboration between researchers and practitioners, but also enhance the ACM SIGCHI presence and mindshare among the participants...
To get these chapters started and to exchange ideas, we plan to organize a one-day workshop alongside India HCI 2018, which we can use as a trigger to formalize these chapters. We plan to brainstorm ideas about activities and events at the local level. To guide the newly formed chapters, we plan to invite two international participants. These could be, for example, the current or the past SIGCHI VP for chapters and/or a chair of a very successful SIGCHI chapter so far. The main target of the workshop is HCI researchers, practitioners, and students. Many of them will be early enough in their careers and will get an introduction to ACM SIGCHI through this activity. We hope to trigger a vibrant ecosystem of collaborating local ACM SIGCHI chapters in India. This workshop will directly benefit students or professionals who will become the next generation of SIGCHI volunteers from India. The workshop participants will come up ideas to enhance the size of SIGCHI communities and their activities in India through interaction with each other. Lessons learned from this workshop experience will be useful to organize future years’ workshops, finalize the chapter activities and ensure financial support for running those activities.
Organizers: The main organizers of the workshop is
Sayan Sarcar, University of Tsukuba, Japan
Several people from different cities have agreed to participate in the workshop and form the ACM SIGCHI chapters in their respective cities. The proposed professional chapter chairs confirmed so far are:
- Bangalore: Ishneet Grover (Cisco Systems)
- Mumbai: Rucha Tulaskar (Continuum Managed Services)
- Pune: Shashank Deshpande (Globant)
- Hyderabad: Sachin Patil (Microsoft) and Prachi Sakhardande
- Delhi: Nitendra Rajput (Info Edge India Ltd.) and Dr. Pushpendra Singh (IIIT Delhi)
- Allahabad: Dr. U.S. Tiwary (IIIT Allahabad)
The proposed student chapter chairs confirmed so far are:
- Bangalore: Dr. Girish Prabhu, Riyaz Sheikh (Srishti Institute of Art, Design, and Technology)
- Pune: Dr. Ganesh D. Bhutkar (Vishwakarma Institute of Technology)
- Hyderabad: Dr. Nimmi Rangaswamy (IIIT Hyderabad)
- Delhi: Dr. Aman Parnami (IIIT Delhi)
- Kanpur: Dr. Kaumudi Patil (IIT Kanpur)
- Indore: Dr. Sanjram P. Khanganba (IIT Indore)
We are communicating with some more people who might be interested in.
Workshop 5: Enabling Multi-Party Interactions in Multi-Modal Interfaces
Facilitator email:
The current multi-modal interaction offerings in gestural and voice-based interfaces are generally designed for individual users. Even as the world attempts to provide immersive experiences to individuals, we need to design technologies that are mindful of potential collaborations that current multi- modal interfaces do not account for. The goal of this workshop is to address the presumption that a solution designed for an individual could be easily expanded to the collective with no or minimal changes. We additionally investigate how the process of designing and evaluating technologies can be inclusive of a collaborative audience right at the onset.